It’s still so weird looking like my mom… I shouldn’t have played with her spellbook! I just wanted to dress up in her clothes but now I’m stuck with an old lady body just like hers! I can’t get a job… everyone thinks I’m my mom’s twin sister, except when they think I’m my own MOM which is totally embarrassing!
Mom says it’s the only way we can afford to survive is if I find a place to live… with someone… I hate this plan… but I don’t know what else to do! And Mr. Johnson wants to take ME out on a DATE!
Mom insisted on taking my picture with Mr. Johnson... Bill... and me on our date.He thinks we're twin sisters and says, "Your sister is acting like you’re going on your first date ever with me!"
I smiled for the camera and said, "She’s just excited that I met such a wonderful guy like you, Bill…."
When we got to the restaurant I realized what it was to be a sexy older woman on a date. I didn’t really think this through… Having tits is new to me… I didn’t think abut how exposed I was in this lace! And… he keeps leering… at ME!
"I can’t believe how lucky I am! How’d you like to come back to my place for a nightcap?!?"
Gulping down some wine in my now smaller, less tolerant body, I say, "Nightcap? Mmm… um.. okay…"
Soon I'm naked and on my back at his house... and he's fucking me! "OH BILL!!! I didn’t know it could feel so GOOD!!!"
"You’re so sexy Janie, I didn’t even have to take a Viagra! I know it’s sudden but… how’d you like to move out of your sister’s house and by my little wifey?"
Oh god… I’m really doing it… I’m…. oooohhhhh Feeling is cock inside me! Mom’s body is so SENSITIVE!!! And… maybe it’s because I have her brain too… I…. I…. need this… I need him… I’m going to stay here and…. his little wifey!
Love it!! I was expecting mom to switch clothes though she goes out on the date being that she is attracted to the man, she'd be with him if she wasn't a married woman, now the son in her clothes is the perfect replacement staying at home as her with the unaware father. She send pictures of her out on the date, meanwhile father finally being alone with his wife enjoys her company, and the last picture the dad says we'll we won't be the only ones getting lucky our son and his date hit it off, he's going back to his place we have the house to ourselves tonight.