I'm the Maid and She's the Master


That tech I inherited from my uncle is amazing!  When he passed away I got all his money ant the gene tool… Before I moved into his house I asked my maid if she would indulge my fantasy and let me turn myself into a woman and her into a man…This way I’ve been able to play out that fantasy of being a simple, submissive maid and no one knows!

It’s been so fun pretending to be a sexy maid, but I think it’s time I tell her we should trade back.  I might miss these wonderful breasts, but maybe I can get her to let me give her a pair and I can play with hers instead of mine…

As I helped "him" out of "his" jacket, I decided it was time to change back. "Umm..." I started uncertainly, "Anna, I, uh..."

"You haven’t called me that for awhile…" she said confidently in that deep male voice, "you know it’s best if you call me ‘Sir’"

"Well… um… you see… …Sir… I was thinking maybe we should trade back before, you  know, it goes too far.  It’s been fun pretending to be the maid, but I should probably get back to my life…"

"And how do you propose to do that, ANNA?"

"We… um… just do the gene thing again and go back to normal?"

"I’m really amazed you still haven’t figured it out," HE chuckled. "You really are a ditzy girl, even if you used to be a man.  Don’t you understand, my adorable little maid?  The gene tool made me a man, and you a woman, but we don’t look anything like each other did before.  Everyone who has met us since MY uncle died thinks I’m his nephew, and you, pretty girl, are my prize little maid!"

"B-but! No! I’M supposed to be the Master of the house!" I whimpered in the cute voice I had now.

"You’re very cute. A MASTER would never want to parade around as a sexy maid.  A MASTER doesn’t ask so meekly for something like you do.  In fact… Let me show you what a Master does, and who you are… who you have always been!"

I found myself on the master bed, half naked, as he put cuffs on my wrists... "Oh! Um… Sir?" somehow I still found myself calling her 'Sir.' "I don’t think we should…"

"No, you DON’T think.  That’s why you’re my MAID and not a man anymore!"

I should fight… I should… mmm… not fight her… I mean HIM…. I should fight this feeling… oh god…. Is she right? Did I want to do this because it’s who I really am?  A man trapped in a submissive maid’s body…. Or was I always the submissive maid trapped in a man’s body?

I should...

Then my mind went blank as HIS cock filled my mouth!

HE had HIS way with me, and later freed my arms and had his cock sliding into my pussy, telling me in my ear as he fucked me, "See how easy it is to let go of all those silly thoughts of you being in charge… of you being a man? No one would ever believe you used to be the Master of the house, because…. You never really were a man, now you’re where you were meant to be!"

In a fog of submissive, female orgasms, I whispered, "Yes, Sir. Meant to be.. Yours…"

My thoughts have turned female as I reflect... She took my cock… she took my mansion… she took my name…. she took my identity…. and HE gave me what I truly needed…. to serve HIM as the woman I was meant to be…
