Time for to Change Back from Being Olivia


I had paid a lot of money to this guy to let me turn myself into his girlfriend's twin and have a threesome with them.  The transmogrifier worked perfectly and I was her exact twin, although I seemed to be acting a LOT more like her than I should have been able to.  And she was acting a bit... well.. masculine.  Then I found out her plan, to leave me here in her place!

I was sucking his cock when I heard him say, "All right Jacob… I know you’ve had fun being Oliva’s twin, but times up and I only let you do it for the money. While she’s finishing off my cock, you should go jump in the transmogrifier and change back."

I couldn't seem to stop sucking, and then I heard Olivia say, "Thanks for letting me pretend to be her, I’ll just change back and let myself out. I know it was kind of weird for you, I’ll make myself scarce for awhile."

Then she whispered in my ear, "He thinks I’m YOU and you’re ME!  Serves him right selling my form like that and YOU for wanting it! And with that mental conditioning I added to the transmogrifier he’ll never figure it out! Welcome to your new life OLIVIA!"
