Allie for a Spell


I really needed to get some files off of Josh’s personal laptop in his apartment, and I had convinced his girlfriend, Allie, to help out. I expected her to get the file for me, but instead she wanted to try out a spell she had found that traded our bodies!

As I slipped into her clothes and looked at myself in the mirror I said to her, "Oh wow, Allie, are you sure about this?  I really need to get that file off his computer, but won’t he know I’m not you?"

"Don’t worry about it," she replied from my body, "The spell will make you act like me while you’re in my body, and I’m willing to let you borrow my body for this because I get to spend a night out as a rich hunky guy!"

Now I’m in Josh’s hot girlfriend’s body and she’s going out to party in my body for a night.  What could possibly go wrong?

The spell worked a little too well... I found myself in Josh's bed naked in Allie's body and as I felt his dick pushing into my ass, I heard him say, "You’re so cool to let me try this Allie! I don’t know why you would want to by a mindless sex toy for me but… MMmmF!! There, that should make that spell you gave me do it’s thing!"

"WAIT!" I started to cry out, "I'M NOT..." Then the spell kicked in... "Ooohh!" I moaned, "Fuck me deeper!"

Allie had played both me and Josh. She let me borrow her body not because she wanted to help me steal that file, but so she could steal my life! The bodyswap made me act like her, but she also gave Josh a spell that turned me into his bimbo sex slave! He thought Allie WANTED to be trapped as a sex toy, and he thought I WAS ALLIE! Now I’m stuck fucking him every chance he gets and she’s claimed my inheritance and left the country!


  1. My girlfriend thought it was good idea to switch bodies. For a time. But I thought it was good idea to be a girl. But things got more complicated , thought Its fun or something like that. But now it different now.


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