The Multiverse Corrects my Mistake


I found research online about a way to explore the multiverse, at certain times you could exchange your mind with another version of yourself… the windows of time where this worked weren’t exactly random, but the pattern was really complicated.  Fortunately, the research had a table for places and times to make it work.

I made it work!  I woke up in a female version of myself in a very different universe!  I had swapped into a technologically and culturally backwards universe where women were property, only I was a woman now!  I needed to get out of here!  

When I found what passed for a computer, I found the Internet barely existed here. Not only was the research missing, but I was finding it harder to work the system.  I was beginning to forget things I should know from my world.  The multiverse was correcting itself, and rather than sending me back, it was making me start to behave like the “me” I was supposed to be.

A submissive, not very bright, pleasing housewife.

Trying hard to remember how to operate the computer, I heard a man's voice, the man who is my husband in this universe! "Come back to bed, honey," he said, a little impatiently, "you know women aren’t really able to understand computers!"

My mind clouded more, "But.. I… oh dear…" I whimpered in my now very female voice. "I know I should keep looking but I know need to take care of my you, darling!"


  1. He discovered the way to enter another reality, but he hasn't figure out to enter physical but to temporally enter another reality, but he couldn't choice where to go yet. Its like rolling the dice, he the change enter a reality . where his life was different., but his first choice was totally different where somethings never happen, plus he is a she , in a whole where its backward , the problem is that he is starting to get things that was normal for him, he starting to act more like her.


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