She's Stealing My Memories


Trapped in my wife's body, feeling what was once my cock deep in my pussy, I start to feel my memories changing... I can't remember how to do my job, any of my bank accounts... I don't know what it feels like to jack off or pee standing up... I can't even remember my mistress's name!

But I do start remember what it's like to have a girls day and chat with women, how to do my makeup, having periods and using tampons, dresses.... bras... panties... omg! giving blowjobs!

"You’re going to learn EXACTLY what it’s like to be me!" she booms in my old voice, "Give me your memories, give me all that aggression and dominance, and you take my submission, all my years of being CONDITIONED by society.  YES… that’s it.. I’m taking everything, and leaving you weak and female, now you’re going to be the good wife you always wanted me to be and you’ll get to experience MY toxic masculinity… only it doesn’t feel so toxic from this side!"

I try to disagree but I my new submissive personality makes me be honest. "It’s all changing in my head! I... I can’t remember what it’s like to be a man! I know I was.. But… ooohhh… your cock… what’s it like to have a cock?  I should know!  Oh no! I’m really a woman now!"


  1. He thought it was going to be a blast , easy to be a girl, so a day or two I'll learn everything that girls know, But when he got his first orgasm, something was wrong, he didn't know what, then it was his second day, he didn't know why, but he still there as a girl. . but there something still wrong, he didn't feel like himself even as her, it felt like he was less him , and more her. But that was stupid , crazy , even he was a girl, he was still himself. About a nearly a week later he was still her, he barely realized it, what makes him, him was taken and replaced or should I say adjusted a bit, so It was to late that he err she a girl, all girl well mostly a girl. but that is shard of him that she left inside.


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