My Stepdad Thinks I'm Mom

When I was a growing up everyone always said how much I looked like my mom.  I liked looking like my mom, but being her son there was only so far I could go. As I got older, I wanted to look like mom even more, so I started taking hormones and let my hair grow.  Everything I did that made me look more like her made me happier.  

I finally took big step and went in for the surgery so I could be all girl like my mom. I even got some cosmetic surgery to look ol0der and more like her. Mom knew I was doing this, she never understood but she supported me and loved me even if I was becoming her twin. 

I had grown up with a stepdad who didn’t really pay much attention to me.  He and my mom had gotten divorced and she moved away and he drifted away.  

I ran into him one day after my surgeries and he thought I was my mom! I went along with it, after all it was my dream to be my mom, and now he ex-husband was treating me as if I was her!  He kept saying how much he missed “me” and how he wanted “me” back…

I checked with mom first, and she was okay with me dating him and letting him think I was her. She even arranged it that I could take her identity and she created a new one for herself. 

Now I’m “remarried” to Andrew, living the life my mother gave up, and he still thinks I’m my mom!

As I lay on my back, wearing an old dress of my mom's, Andrew's cock poised to push into my pussy, Andrew said, "I love you so much, Liz, I’m so glad you took me back!"

Looking over my breasts at the man I married I said, "Oh Drew!  You’ll never know how much I’ve dreamed of this!" While I was thinking... He doesn’t just think I’m Mom, I AM Mom now!


  1. you ever had that saying that you too pretty to be a boy, or you look like your mom, you decided to be like your mom, to the point of that you could be sisters, This was a problem with there married, a few years after you met him again, for some strange reason you developed a relationship and your were marries, the strangest thing he thought you were your mother.


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